VSK Profi Ultra 100 km

The Baroko Ultra 100k course follows the route of the Baroko marathon up to the Čoubův Mill, where it diverges and, after approximately a 60-kilometer loop, rejoins the Baroko marathon route leading from the Čoubův Mill to Plasy. On this segment, there is only one part of the route that differs, which is the section from the crossroads at U Šebíkova to Žebnice. The course is run clockwise.

Navigation should be seamless with the help of markings along the course. However, we recommend carrying a map with the route marked as well. The link for printable maps (we recommend A3 format) is here: http://barokomaraton.cz/100.pdf

For navigation, any navigation device can be used. You can download the navigation data here, or at the following address: https://en.mapy.cz/s/2ZLg6.

Warning: The route may change, for example, due to logging. Therefore, primarily follow the markings on the route.

Aid stations: A total of 9 aid stations, whose list, mileage, and opening hours are provided below:

  • Manětín                     18,5 km       1,45 – 3,15
  • Vysočany (Výrovec)      26 km         2,30 – 4,30
  • Rabštejn (ČSAD)         36,8 km       3,15 – 5,45
  • Bohuslav                    43,8 km       4,00 – 7,15
  • Chyše                       52,7 km       5,00 – 9,00
  • Poustky                     63 km        5,45 – 10,30
  • Rabštejn                   70,9 km       6,30 – 11,30
  • Černá Hať                 77,4 km       7,00 – 13,00
  • rozc. U Šebíkova         88,2 km       8,00 – 15,30

Drop bag: We offer the possibility of transporting personal belongings (drop bags) to the aid station in Chyše at 53k. Items must be submitted at the registration at the venue by 7pm on Friday, marked with the competitor's race number. Return of the items will be managed by the organizers from 12pm in the cloak room area, against your race number.

Recommended equipment: Given that this is an extreme race, it is necessary to be prepared for unexpected emergency situations. We recommend having with you a minimum set of equipment that includes:

  • Map and compass for navigation
  • Mobile phone (the organizers' number will be printed on the race numbers; for quick medical assistance, call 155), spare power source
  • Emergency food and drinks
  • Thermal blanket (e.g. Lifesystem Thermal blanket, which will keep you warm in case of an accident.
  • A headtorch for the night section of the race with a battery life of at least 6 hours

Baroko Ultra 100k is part of the Ultracup organized by the Czech Association of Ultrarunners (ČAU). ČAU members receive a 100 CZK ~ 4 EUR discount on the entry fee. To apply the discount, check the box during online registration. Jsem členem ČAU.

Baroko Ultra 100k is part of ITRA with 4 ITRA Points and is part of the ITRA National League.

Baroko Ultra 100k is a qualifying race for competitions of the UTMB World Series.